The Tenger Tailal Association started its operation under the name of Munkh Deed Elchis in 2014. In 2019, it was renamed to the Tenger Tailal Community NGO and has been running its activities up today.
Then founder is Shaman U.Khosbayar, Consultant Female Shaman S.Odmaa and there are over 50 members.
The Tenger Tailal Community NGO has been operating continuously for the last 5 years, and has performed the worshipping of the Bogd Khan Mountain, Songino Khairkhan Mountain, Chingeltei Mountain, and Bayanzurkh Mountain every 4 years. Also, we built a head ovoo symbolizing the 13 ethnics on the Ulziit Khairkhan Mountain, and has been continuously performing the Spring and Autumn worshipping on this mountain.
We first initiated the Mongolia without Waste movement and joined many associations. We have been performing good deed campaigns continuously for 4 years as well we plant trees every spring.
The Tenger Tailal Community NGO has released 35 programs and 88 short contents. We have produced 2 short films and successfully participated in international film festivals.
We have led the Mongolian Shamanism to the right path by calling the society to a healthy mindset in social media.
Some members of the Tenger Tailal Community NGO live in France and Europe. The regularly participate in international shaman festivals, actively participate in the meetings and forums for the Earth Peace, and actively deliver the voice of Mongolian shamans at the international level. They also work as the UNO missionaries.
Our nearest plan is to start a campaign to save the Queen Tuul River, the main source of fresh water in Ulaanbaatar. In the framework of this campaign, we had already warned the plants and industries, which affect the nearby waste and water pollution, as well have been working on stopping their activities. Our male and female shamans have been worshipping and soothing the nymphs of the Queen Tuul River.
We are working with all our strength for the World Shaman Festival, which will be held from May 24 to May 27, 2024. As a result, we are actively working with the main goal of organizing the World Shaman Festival in Mongolia every year and introducing nomadic culture, traditional arts and shamanism to the world.